(From our Correspondent, by Electric Telegraph)

HUDDERSFIELD, THURSDAY NIGHT. – Today, the town of Huddersfield was entirely given up to pleasure, all the shops being shut, and business suspended. In accordance with a programme, the procession left St George’s Square a little after twelve 0’clock, pacing along John William-street, Kirkgate, and all the principal streets, and being finally arranged in the following order:- The C troop of Yeomanry, headed by their band, with drums and fifes; Crimean soldiers and pensioners in a waggon, with a trophy and Russian arms, ornamented with evergreens; the clergy in their gowns, ministers of various denominations, magistrates, improvement commissioners, waterworks commissioners, gentlemen and tradesmen; the freemasons, headed by the Bramley brass band; a great number of secret orders and benevolent societies, from the town and district, with emblematic banners and appropriate devices and mottoes; various Sunday schools, of all denominations, from Huddersfield and the district, numbering about 15,000 children and teachers, in four divisions, with an immense number of flags and banners, beautifully decorated with appropriate devices. The procession extended several miles in length, and occupied an hour and a half in passing. At half-past four p.m. all had arrived, and taken the position assigned to them in St George’s Square. A selection of sacred music, including Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” and concluding with the national anthem was then performed with great effect by 520 musicians and vocalists, who were stationed upon an elevated platform in front of the railway station. The assemblage was estimated to amount to from 35,000 to 40,000 persons, including Sunday school scholars; and the coup d’oeil throughout the proceedings was novel and interesting.- The proceedings closed with an immense round of cheering, about five p.m. when the vast assemblage began to disperse.

Source: Manchester Guardian, 30 MAY 1856